The Fantastic Four Published:
May 1962 Issue: 4 Reading Order#: 5
Oh no! In the last issue, we witnessed a lame pouty-fest from the Human Torch. He even threw his temper tantrum in front of Miracle Man. I find that unacceptable. I would also be suprized if he dosn't realize that the Fantasic Four have just shown their major weakness and use the Tourch against them next time they face off.After that, the Torch ran away from home to to cry about how no one loves him or other such nonsense. In this issue we will see how the Fantastic Four deal with this crisis and cope with the introduction of a new character: the Sub-Mariner!SUMMARY
I hate to start off with a nitpick but last issue they introduced a nuclear powered tank. I mean, that's a lot of power for a tank to just roll around slowly and blow stuff up but whatever. Sure, its possible. This issue they flash back to it and now they call it an Atomic Cannon. While I am unclear what an atomic cannon would even do, it seems like one of these names was wrong.This guy can sure take a beating! |
Weakness Update:
- Fire. (Fantastic Four #2)
- Chemical foam will put out his flame. (Fantastic Four #3)
- Water will put out his flame in large doses. (Fantastic Four #4)
- Brick to the head. Blunt force trauma to the head will cause him to spontaneously shrink back to normal size. (Fantastic Four #3)
- Scent gives away her location. (Fantastic Four #3)